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Current locale language
Èze / Frankreich
Artiste Maler

The mysterious and attractive world of ballet has become an inspiration for Olga 
Malinovskaya. Being one of the best graduates of the Moscow State Academy of 
Choreography at the Bolshoi Theatre of the Russian Federation, she danced 
many leading classical and contemporary roles during her career in some of the 
most famous theatres in the world. 
All this time Olga did not just dance, she took painting or gilding lessons from 
various masters in those countries where she worked during her ballet career: 
Italy, USA, Canada, France. Already then she started to collaborate with 
renowned interior designers, participate in art fairs and make her own solo art 
Over time, painting took a dominant role 
in the life of Olga - some of her sketches 
turned into a collection of paintings called 
SHOW TIME. The artist continues to 
demonstrate in her works the well-known 
and beloved backstage world - this unique 
mixture of beauty, and deep melancholy, 
lightness, and hard work. 
In addition, Olga explores the inner world of a woman, the essence of her 
feelings and experiences, embodying them in painting in the form of allegories of 
biblical and fantasy creatures and spaces, which is presented in a collection 

Künstlerischer Ansatz

I am a ballerina and artist, so I live at the junction of these two 
worlds: the world of dance and the world of fine art, each of them 
being uniquely fascinating and rich. 
I strive to show my viewers how magical, but very diverse ballet can 
be in reality. 
Together with talented professionals, who I was lucky to meet on my 
way, we are creating extraordinary projects combining dance, 
painting, and music. In the language of art, we are talking to a 
modern audience about eternal matters: the secrets of creativity, the 
curse of talent, love, and hate. We present them to you, dear 
spectators, in the hope of sharing with you new, exciting experiences.

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Le Ballet