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Georgette Yvette Ponté
Rijeka / Kroatien
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Georgette Yvette Ponté

Georgette Yvette Ponté mag.sculp.
22.lipnja br.13 51000 Rijeka
Email: [masqué pour votre sécurité]
mob: [masqué pour votre sécurité]
Education: Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (sculpture) in class of Prof. Peruško Bogdanić
Georgette Yvette Ponté was born on September 10, 1983. in Nice, France. She graduated from the Department of
Sculpture in the class of prof. Peruško Bogdanić at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2014. So far, she has exhibited at
numerous solo and group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad, of which we highlight 2011 GLIPTOTEKA, Sculpture in stone
1991-2011, 2013 XI memorial of Ivo Kerdić (triennial of Croatian medallions and small sculptures), solo exhibition at Exeter
Hotel gallery Island.. She also won many awards and recognitions for her works in the medium of painting, sculpture, and
photography. She is the author of several public sculptures in Croatia and abroad. In the last 15 years, she participated in
numerous sculpture workshops and was at the Glo Art art residency in Belgium. In 2021, she was the curator at the XI
International Biennial of Miniatures in Tuzla.
She is a member of HDLU Rijeka, RezervArt.
He is engaged in sculpture, painting, photography and restoration. She presented her first dance and painting performance
in Varaždin at Špancirfest 2021 and then in Basel in 2022 and then in Sarajevo.

Künstlerischer Ansatz

The works show a strong sense of restlessness and the search for identity.

I don't show women's faces because I don't reveal their identity, I show their restlessness through the black and flickering of the drawings and strokes.

Beauty and ugliness exist equally in the body, which is why it is such a special motive for me.

I show the body as a medium for expressing different human feelings, restoring the body to its former dignity.

I avoid any suggestion, no face, dedicating myself to formal expression. I don't need limbs and head to show the beauty of the body.

The female body has always been the subject of many artists, so it is not strange that my research are based on a gender analysis of the female body. With my works, I show the ways and strategies of patriarchal discourse entering the body, showing that the body is the eternal "prison" of women.

For me, the body is a text, a process and an event. As you can see from my works, these are strong strokes, almost like a drawing, sculptural form.

With these works, I want to touch on a story that has already been told and is continuously repeated. While the male gender continues to claim that a woman is more protected than a griffon vulture, As a woman living in this body claim that this is not so. Let's look around us, what is happening in Afghanistan and Iran.

As an artist, I was trampled for being a woman, and not only because of that, trampled because 

I'm different, I'm not framed like my paintings. They are free on the canvas without any frame.

The origin and beginning of patriarchy are hidden deep in the darkness of the past. According to everything we know about the events at the time of the emergence of patriarchy, it seems that women did not notice it for a long time. It is not known when they realized that men slowly over many thousands of years assumed a more dominant role in the community. What can we think about today's "advanced" society if the primitive man lived in a matristic social organization in which women were especially valued for their ability to give birth.

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Das künstlerische Werk von Georgette Yvette Ponté

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