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Artiste Bildhauer

Young stone sculptor Dorian Vanhorenbeeck studied and worked in more than five countries. He received training in traditional carving by hand, but also acquired expertise in digital creation with artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. “The profession of stone sculptor has evolved throughout the centuries, always integrating new techniques,” says Dorian. “We must use innovative technology as a bridge to new possibilities.” By harnessing the power of machine learning and algorithms, he not only explores new horizons, but also works more efficiently and sustainably. “By optimising your working process, you spend less energy and use fewer materials. In the field of stone sculpting, the materials are limited in quantity, and it is important to think of the next generations.”

Künstlerischer Ansatz

The role of art is to reinvent itself according to contemporary values such as ecology, the latest technologies, culture and customs. The role of a creator is to make life easier for people and to spread a message. Art has long been a cultural and representative vector of our time. This is why today’s creator must respond to today’s problems on a more weighty way of consuming, and make the best use of new means / medium of creation to «optimize» natural spending. Consequently, the use of new materials such as those of the most perennial as the stone which offers an alternative to the overconsumption of the object, all in a process of exchange of know-how.

Der Künstler hat derzeit keine geplanten Veranstaltungen. Ich füge ein Ereignis hinzu
Dates clés
ROME , Italy International Prize Michelangelo / Star Of art market ’23 / Effetto Arte / Fondation_Italy
-Most Innovative Fine Art & Architecture Studio 2023 Build
Noah bed design contest , 3ᵉ Mainz germany
Stair Design Award Finalist ( Musée des confluences Lyon , France ) ,FR
World Skill Belgium Finaliste National ( Silver Medal) BE
MAF Région île de France et Seine St-denis (Gold medal) , FR

Das künstlerische Werk von Dorian

Neu hinzugefügte Werke

Stone sculpture