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Current locale language
Münster / Deutschland
Artiste Digitaler Künstler

Scholarships (selection):

2023, 01.03. - 01.10.
Artist residency fellowship, Rhineland-palatinate/ D

2021, 30.04. - 01.06.
MKW Sholarship of the Ministerium for Science and Culture II., Land NRW/ D

2020, 30.06. - 31.08.
MKW Sholarship of the Ministerium for Science and Culture, Land NRW/ D

2013, 02.09 – 30.09.
"Mythos, Moderne, Morgen“, Scholarship Residency at College for Music and Art, Montepulciano/ IT

Exhibitions (selection):

2024/ 25, 15.09 - 15.06
“Schlafen”, Transeuropa Festival, Literaturhaus St. Jakobi und Kunstraum 53, Hildesheim/ D

2024, 01. - 08.06.
“Formen“, Detmolder Design Woche, Detmold/ D

2024, 01. - 04.02.
„Everyone but Caspar!“, Kunsthalle Niendorf und Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg/ D

2023, 20.06.-26.06.
„out of home: Edition II. Marseille“, out of home artspace, Berlin, Marseille/ D/ Fr

2022, 03.11. - 30.12.,
„ARTSTADT ALLSTARS“, ARTSTADT (gef. v. Kreativgesellschaft Hamburg), Mönckebergstr. 2-4, Hamburg/ D

2022, 11.08. - 11.09.
„VerRATEN“, x-pon Art Gallery, Hamburg/ D

2022, 03.06 - 06.06.
„Utopie“, Kunstverein Burgwedel Artclub e.V., Isernhagen/ D



2015 - 2016
University of Arts (UdK), Berlin/ DE

2014 - 2015
graduated Masterstudent of Prof. Henk Visch and Prof. Klaus Weber, Academy of Fine Arts Muenster/ D


Künstlerischer Ansatz

In my work I create a special connection between reality and vision. I work with different materials and found materials and make installations, collages, GIFs and digital multiple exposures. structures appear to belong to something else and challenge recognition from experience in a special way. The uncertain is elementary here and demands perception in a special way, while there is always a reference to reality and known forms from everydaylife can be experienced in unknown new way. The making ofexperiences is a special further subject of my work and I am playing with perception. The recipient becomes aware of it and of himself and it‘s production of one wishes and desires.

Der Künstler hat derzeit keine geplanten Veranstaltungen. Ich füge ein Ereignis hinzu
Der Künstler hat seinen Werdegang noch nicht angegeben.

Das künstlerische Werk von sthune

Neu hinzugefügte Werke
