Nach oben
Current locale language
Bligny-lès-Beaune / Frankreich
Artiste Maler

SBBoursot is an Anglo-French artist based in France. in the wine region of Burgundy, France. She is multidisciplinary and her work has been collected à across Europe and the United States

Since devoting herself to her art a few years ago she has exhibited in prestigious exhibitions in Paris and  London, won the Charcoal Prize Art-Sciences-Lettres in May 2022, and was a  Finalist in the Visual Artist Association Professional Artist Award 2023 in which she was awarded "Highly Commended Exhibitor" (of which only 5 were rewarded).

She has taken various online art courses and evening classes at art schools over the years, and continues to increase her skills, but there is a strong self-taught element, particularly through experimentation which she always appreciates. All with the aim of continually pushing her art to new levels.


Künstlerischer Ansatz

As subjects, she is attracted to people and animals, and the situations they find themselves in. She depicts them in an impressionist style, pushing towards abstraction, blurring the usual contours, sometimes letting the viewer complete the picture.

His sculptures are on the theme of aging, being a blend of abstract painting, sculpture and expressionism that develops intuitively.

She currently enjoys working with charcoal, appreciating its qualities which can be manipulated almost in the same way as paint, and can convey meaning or emotion in just a few moments. gestures. She uses charcoal on paper and canvas, allowing her to create her own work. each medium to influence the effects created.

Der Künstler hat derzeit keine geplanten Veranstaltungen. Ich füge ein Ereignis hinzu
Dates clés
Finaliste et "Highly Commended Exhibitor", VAA Professional Artist Award

Das künstlerische Werk von SBBOURSOT

Neu hinzugefügte Werke

Fusain, peinture, figuratif, portrait,

Peinture - portraits et figuratif

Dessin fusain - portaits et figuratifs


Die Landschaften