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Robert Ibgui
Artiste Maler
Robert Ibgui

Miami Artist Robert Ibgui combines the roots of both his French and Israeli up-bringing to create colorful, free minded and forward thinking works of abstract art that take the viewer on a voyage through fantastical worlds, carefully threading the needle between our reality and the abstract. Robert Ibgui’s cultured background in both his home countries as well a storied culinary career are evident in his artwork’s explosion of color and flamboyance. After his passion-fueled tenure in the culinary industry, running his own restaurants and kitchen for major companies such a Sofitel, Hyatt, and Marriott, Robert’s detail-oriented approach has translated beautifully to his artistic endeavors. Utilizing the spatula technique as well as paper film spotting, Robert applies to each of his pieces a rich tangible texture, giving the beholder a unique perspective of the dimensions of every tantalizing tableau. Robert Ibgui’s frank-speaking is punctuated with a delicate and gentle sense of humility, which will continue to translate to the free-flowing and ever evolving works of art he creates.

Künstlerischer Ansatz

Attiré par le travail de la texture j'ai commencé ma carrière d artiste par l'utilisation de spatules et divers matériaux et pouvant  jouer sur les différentes textures et  épaisseurs, j'ai pu exploiter toute  une palette de couleurs meme dans les œuvres monochromatiques.

Je ne revendique aucun style ; je suis autodidacte et curieux d'explorer un monde de l'illusion oscillant entre art figuratif et abstrait.

Je me sens contemporain .


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West palm beach

Das künstlerische Werk von Robert Ibgui

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