Entdecken Sie die zeitgenössische Arbeit von P.P.
Born in France, English as my heart's language.
I started writing quite young, around 9 or 10 -not for long though- when parents filled for divorce.
I stopped. Then found photography, and poetry, and literature.
I started to really learn English then, searching up a lot about cinematography.
I wrote many MANY poems without much thoughts. And started painting a few years later. With a lot of writer blocks.
I thought i had to be productive. But i didn't, and i don't. I rediscovered art, in its own time, doing so little or so much, taking an afternoon, days or minutes.
Art is soul's heart and savory, or at least it is close enough of it to me. A window of what was, is and could be.
A breather, a freedom, hope. Sanity, safe, comfort. Growth.
painting is my words without any, or barely. Placing them and expressing them on canvas when they cannot be written nor found.
Abstrait for some, some reality to it for me. Seeing things where others can't.
Being able to do a lot, with precision, and not, taking time and not.