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Current locale language
Béganne / Frankreich
Artiste Maler

Faythe Payol was born from American parents who were missionaries in Zaire. During the occupation of the rebels, her family escaped to France where she grew up in her early childhood. She receives her high school diploma at the American School of Paris, than pursues her college years in the United States. She starts her studies at Philadelphia College of the Bible in Pennsylvania, than pursues her studies in Art at Huntington College in Indiana, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She has won several prizes during her career as an Artist. Faythe has participated in many Art shows selling her works in Paris France. She also was a member of ‘Les Peintres du Marais’ in Paris. She also is illustrating children’s books. Faythe has been teaching Art and English for many years at the American School of Paris, as well as coordinating Art projects for the school. She has recently retired and continues her Art activities in Brittany. You can also visit her gallery at her other website.

Künstlerischer Ansatz

  • 24 February 2022 - 25 February 2022Solo exhibitionBrittany, Chateaux de Bezzyl
  • 13 May 2006 - 16 September 2006Group exhibitionPeintres du Marais,Paris
  • 14 May 2005 - 17 September 2005Group exhibitionPeintres du Marais, Paris
  • 15 May 2004 - 11 September 2004Group exhibitionPeintres du Marais, Paris
  • 10 May 2003 - 13 September 2003Group exhibitionPeintres du Marais,Paris
  • 11 May 2002 - 14 September 2002Group exhibitionPeintres du Marais. Expositions multiples dans Paris
  • 06 May 2001 - 15 September 2001Group exhibitionPeintres du Maris. Expositions multiples dans Paris
  • 06 May 2000 - 16 September 2000Group exhibitionPeintres du Marais. Expositions multiples dans Paris
  • 05 September 1999 - 06 September 1999AwardAquarella/Premier prix
  • 14 August 1999 - 15 August 1999AwardAcadémie International des Beaux-Arts, Paris IV. Médaille de Vermeil
  • 15 January 1999 - 16 January 1999AwardNomination au titre de Chevalier Académique International
  • 02 December 1998 - 16 December 1998AwardCercles des Arts de Paris-Salon International-Paris IV
  • 11 December 1997 - 12 December 1997Solo exhibitionS.A. Louveciennes Yvelines
  • 21 June 1997 - 22 June 1997Group exhibitionSalon des Artistes Paris XIV
  • 02 May 1997 - 09 May 1997Solo exhibitionCentre d'Animation et de Loisirs Paris IX
  • 02 December 1996 - 16 December 1996Solo exhibitionGalerie "Art Présent" Paris III
  • 01 May 1996 - 15 May 1996Group exhibitionGalerie Everarts- Paris VIII
  • 1999-2018: Membre des peintres du Marais Paris , France. Expositions multiples dans Paris
  • 2018-2024: Expositions International: Gréce, Espagne, Berlin, Doubai, Swiss, Venice.

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License L'Ecole des Beaux Arts USA

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