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Paris / Frankreich
Artiste Digitaler Künstler

Alexandra Stefanakis is a poet of visual arts, who has realized multiple and increasingly innovative projects using photography as a conversational base for artistic designs for characteristic realizations conceived for urbanities. She sees through photography a space of construction, research and expression of the living. An expression of the living. She is involved in a singular multidirectional artistic approach, passing through the listening of improvisational jazz that will install a visual and aesthetic vocabulary, responsorial in the heart of the image. She offers an experimentation that splits between music and image. When she crosses and accompanies the lives of great musicians, it is to better immerse herself in their universe in order to pay them a creative tribute.

In 1986, she was at the origin of the "So What" movement in homage to Miles Davis. She was to set up the beginnings of the collaborative vision between multidisciplinary artists converging with the aspirations of companies within the framework of the "Rock-Creation Forum" event. At that time, only technology was missing in the ecosystem of this vision which would have allowed her to connect artists to companies, to create a collaborative ecosystem in order to make new art installations in augmented reality radiate.


Born in 1962 in Marseille, France with Italian an greek origins. After studying art and architecture at the fine art school of Marseille she became interested in the environment and the sciences in which she grew up in her family unit. She joined advertising and communication agencies, and participated in numerous collaborations with cultural companies, especially those that develop music. Driven by this process of creation, she passed her diploma on the promotion of the group Magma. By proposing an audiovisual approach integrating AI in the sound base of a program intended to visually serve all aspects of the history of the creation of the group and its compositions. 

Alexandra Stefanakis then goes on to photograph numerous jazz musicians on whom she casts her eye with a holistic and creative approach. This led her to carry out a work close to neuroscience to pay tribute to their music and capture the authenticity of these singular personalities, carrying messages like a torch of excellence. After many collaborations in the fashion industry, she joined a communication agency as an art director where she adapted innovative scenographies to key communication messages for product launches and company mergers. She thus mixes her creative wand with that of her imagination, proposing ever more art and culture in interactive scenic installations.

By 2030, in order to bring comfort and well-being to citizens in cities, she proposes with a new grammar for urbanities to experiment within spaces of reflection of artistic initiatives promoting missions for the ecological transition, with a view to democratic experimentation of the ways of a desirable future. 

By relying on new urban art concepts, she wishes to implement and bring solutions thanks to art within the "smart city", by integrating digital creations which will open the field of improvement and the comprehension of the gestures to be adopted in exit of health crisis.

She is currently working through the association Anastasi'Art to demonstrate that art is a source of dialogue between the public and to promote it through new technologies.


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Der Künstler hat seinen Werdegang noch nicht angegeben.

Das künstlerische Werk von Edmoëss

Neu hinzugefügte Werke

Installation digitale sur façade